Herb Base
Your Questions, Answered.
What conditions can we help with?
Using acupuncture, cupping and herbs, we can help with a wide variety of illnesses, such as asthma, arthritis, migraines, infertility and menopause.
All of our treatments are child friendly, so don't feel worried about bringing your child, for something such as eczema.
What will my first session be like?
The worst part of this course is the first session, some people have some nervousness prior, but almost everyone will become relaxed during the first session.
Before the actual treatment, the doctor will explain everything and take you slowly through the session consultation, so you will always be fully aware of what is happening.
Who will be treating me?
The practitioner in our centre has five years of study and training at university. The practitioner also has years of experience working in hospitals.
The chief practitioner has a degree in both Western Medicine as well as traditional Chinese medicine, so you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.
Are there any side effects?
Occasionally when the acupuncture needles are removed, there may be very minor bleeding, just like if you were pricked by a thorn.
Cupping could leave bruises on the applied area, however, this reaction is considered positive in Chinese medicine. Any markings typically disappear after a few days.
Many herbal remedies are developed from natural plants, making some of them even edible, but their herbal properties are best harnessed by a trained TCM doctor.
How much will it all cost?
Consultation is free in our centre, you do not need to pay anything unless you wish to have the treatments as the doctor advises. So feel free to talk to our doctor.
After consultation, the doctor will tell you what treatment is necessary and how much it exactly costs, there are no hidden charges.
There is a discount offer, particularly for those needing long-term treatment with acupuncture or herbs, so choose the payment option that best suits you.

If you any further questions, please contact us on our email or our phone line, thank you.